
Saturday, Nov. 27, 2004 WORKSHOP
08:30Welcome and Status of ecopa:
Vera Rogiers, VUB Brussels, B (c)
08:45Welcoming address: “Impact of ‘European legislation on Europe’s consumer safety, environment and competitiveness”
Yvon Slingenberg, Dep. Head Chemicals Unit, DG Environment, B (c)
SESSION I: SCALE up beyond REACH: apprehensions for the next EU programme
Chair: Vera Rogiers, Brussels, B
09:00SCALE it right: animal testing vs. alternative method development for human health
Bernward Garthoff, Bayer CropScience AG, Monheim, D (c)
09:20Intention of the EU Commission for SCALE: quantification of additional testing required or assumed
N. N., DG ENV, Brussels, B (a)
09:40Which overlaps of SCALE do exist with CEHAPE, REACH etc.: The Budapest results
Lucianne Licari, Reg. Adv., WHO-Reg. Office EU, I (c)
10:00Coffee break
SESSION II: Testing for endocrine disrupting, neurodevelopmental and respiratory disorders: the methods available or still being developed ?! Chair: José Castell, Valencia, E (c)
10:40Existing OECD-guidelines and those underway on a global scale
Drew Wagner,OECD, Principal Administrator, Paris, F (c)
11:00Validated methods and methodology currently validated by ECVAM in this area
Thomas Hartung, ECVAM, JRC Ispra, I (c)
The need for testing versus additional alternative method development:
11:20The view of academia and environmental organisations
Lisbeth Knudsen, University of Copenhagen, DK (c)
11:35The view of the industry
Gernot Klotz, Bayer AG, Leverkusen, D (c)
SCALE EU Techn.Working Group on Integr.Monitoring of Endocrine Disruptors
11:50The view of animal welfare
Marylou Heinen, Eurogroup for Animal Welfare, Brussels, B (a)
12:05Coffee break
SCIENCE FAIR: Basic research on novel alternative approaches in environmental testing and toxicology Chair: Flavia Zucco, Rome, I (c) Julia Fentem, Unilever (a)
14:0010 mins presentations, resp. poster presentations and final plenum summary and discussion
ROUND TABLE: “Hazard and risk assessment: how much is needed for what purpose? And how much of animal testing necessary ?” Moderator: Lee Bansil, Procter&Gamble, UK (c)
15:30Participants :
Odile da Silva, L’Oreal, Paris, F (a)
Drew Wagner , OECD, Paris, F (c)
N. N., CEFIC, Brussels, B (a)
Sonja van Tichelen. Man.Dir., Eurogroup for Animal Welfare, Brussels, B (c)
Artur van Iersel, ecopa Board, Utrecht, NL (c)
Walter Pfaller, ecopa Board, Innsbruck, A (c)
ecopa – Working Groups
16:30Short introduction on ecopa -2003/2004-activities
Vera Rogiers,Pres.ecopa, B (c)
follow up-activities 6th EU FP , next calls
José Castell,VicePres ecopa, E (c)
elaboration of future projects in WGs
Bernward Garthoff, Treas. ecopa, D (c)
WG I (Organisation, Research): moderator: Vera Rogiers,ecopa Board,Brussels,B (c)
WG II (Chemicals, Politics): moderator : Karin Gabrielson, ecopa Board, Stockholm,S (c)
WGIII (Communication, Education): moderator : Jan van der Valk, ecopa Board, Utrecht, NL (c)
WGIV (Ethics): moderator: Tjard De Cock-Buning, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,NL (c)
17:45End of day 1
19:00Cocktail and Dinner
Sunday, Nov. 28, 2004 ANNUAL ASSEMBLY Chair : Cooenraad Hendricksen, ecopa Board, rivm, Bilthoven, NL (c) Peter Maier, ecopa Board, Basle, CH (c)
09:00SESSION A: ecopa-Board Presentations (5 mins each)
  • Vera Rogiers : Overall activities/CONAM
  • José Castell /: Scientific plans/Newsletter
  • Bernward Garthoff: Financials/ 7th EU FP first approaches
  • new NCP platform accreditations, observatory memberships
  • elections (if so needed)
10:00Coffee break
10:30SESSION B: Split up in working groups:
  • Group 1: Support actions for platforms in the new member states
    Moderator : Eugenio Vilanova, Barcelona, E)
  • Group 2: Proposals for the 7th EU Framework Programme
    Moderator : Horst Spielmann, Berlin, D (c)
11:30PLENARY SESSION: ecopa-Board Presentations (5 mins each)
Moderator : Bernward Garthoff, Monheim, D:
12:30End of Meeting – Brunch Buffet Luncheon